31 December 2009

ZBLL Algorithms

Yes, they are done. I don't want to repost anything so I'll just link the thread:

I'm really, really tired. That took a lot of effort.


16 December 2009


I have officially switched to the VH system. My last average of 100 reflected that at a rather poor 28.97, but my last 50 solves were pretty consistently under 30. Learning to recognize the case as you AUF the final pair is something that takes time. My times varied greatly and I wouldn't be surprised to see them go stabilize and go down some in a rather short amount of time. I don't have the last 24 cases memorized yet and I really could've used them a couple of times, but no harm was done. I've also thought of another case that needs some work. Maybe some other time.

I've been generating ZBLL images like a lazy slob. I usually have a movie in the background and my cube in my hands, so very little work gets done. When I get dedicated (it happened once), I can get a whole OCELL set done in 30 minutes or so. Generating algs has also been slow but I have been keeping up to date on those.

I am very seriously considering switching to ZZ. Though my EO is absolutely horrid, I feel it has potential and, as the actual main reason, eliminates the need for VHF2L, which is by far the most difficult part of my solve to practice. My recognition for EO isn't bad, but finding an efficient solution is a big problem, especially within the limits of inspection time.

I'll post my thoughts on VHF2L alone soon. I think I need another couple of days to really get the hang of looking for the unoriented edges. And when my camera starts working, I'll start making videos of my algs, etc.

Accomplishments: got a 58.92 PLL time attack after several months of not practicing any time attacks. Used to be right around 1:00.00.


09 December 2009


Been a while. I've been busy.

Friday is a cubing comp in Ljubljana somewhere and I'm heading out. I'm sorely missing my Jig-a-Loo and my times have started deteriorating even when I have a great solve. I went out and bought 5 cubes at the local shop here. 3 standard storeboughts and 2 studio cubes. The studios are very odd. Weird plastic.

In ZBLL news, I've completed one complete case (U, in case your wondering) of images through Josef Jelink's incredible php script ICube. Seriously guys, this is the ACube of cube image creation. Awesome stuff. Also, XAMPP is pretty great, too, allowing me to run my own host server for the php script. I'd upload it, but Blogger doesn't support php. You can go to Jelink's site (cube.info I think) and get the script there.

I haven't had time to really do an average recently, but tomorrow should be different. I'm counting on at least one average of 100.

23 November 2009


Been doing a bit more cubing recently and my times are steadily dropping. Just finished an average of 100 under 27 seconds. I also followed it up with an average of 12 at 25.20 seconds. I also set a pb at 17.37 in the average of 100.

Yeah, a rather showy update, but it's mostly here to show you guys I still exist. I'm starting to generate ZBLL algs and images (pain in the rear) but that takes a while. I've also rediscovered pokemon. What a nerd. Anyway, cheers!

04 November 2009

Dad Came to Visit!!!

After 3 months of not seeing my dad, he finally came to visit! It's a rather short stay, but morale is up. Might just last the next 3 months...

On a cubing note, been toying around with corners first methods and trying to remember the final VHF2L case (by my definition), where the F2L pair is reversed in the slot. I know the algorithms, but the way the algs are so similar is incredibly confusing. I never remember which case goes with which alg. Grrr...

Going to fix some stuff in the OLL and COLL charts sometime. Found some issues.

Did a couple averages of 100 over the fall break and got some decent times. 29.01 was a shame (last solve was 35.xx) but the 28.76 I can live with. One average of 12 yesterday was a 26.38. Not bad.

Full OLL is starting to pay off. I stand by what I said some time ago that ZB is a sub-20 method and that I won't dabble with the full sets until I get to that point.

09 October 2009

Algorithm Sheets

These are the algorithms I currently use. Everything should now be forwarded to Google Docs. Enjoy!

Just a list of algorithms in a table. Nothing special.

Just a list of algorithms in a table. The 2-look (all edges) OLLs are listed on the second page.

COLL Algorithms (current version: 4.00)
First page is the list of algorithms in a table, the second page is on recognition strategies. Please comment if something doesn't make sense or if I labeled the case incorrectly.

Just a list of algorithms in a table, separate into the basic cases and the less-known-but-just-as-needed category.

My masterwork.

If anyone wants something else in the sheets (I probably will get around to organizing the OLLs by algorithm someday), just let me know.


??.??.2010 - Got everything updated. I'm pretty sure everything is new. I also got my ZBLL stuff up here.

14.11.2009 - Updated COLL sheet to fit how I recognize cases now. Easier L and Sune/Anti-Sune spotting now. Also found a new alg for the U case with parallel bars.

5.11.2009 - Fixed a OLL sheet issue. The image (dot case number 6) need a rotation.

Thoughts on the VH system

I've heard a lot of doubt in ZB recently, and I thought I could shed some light on the VH system, the "beginner" way to do ZB. It requires knowing 40 COLL algorithms and 16 VHF2L algorithms (which you can then mirror), though there are many mirrors or one move different algs for the system. This is what happens:

Cross (or X-Cross): basic. Get a cross on the bottom.

F2L minus one pair: insert all F2L pairs except the last one. Still basic.

VHF2L in the last pair: create the edge corner pair and perform one of 16 unique algs (I don't count mirrors). This will orient all edges on the last layer, giving you one of 7 OLL cases or an OLL skip.

COLL: using the appropriate COLL algorithm, permute and orient all corners while keeping the edges oriented. If your OLL skipped, go to normal PLL.

EPLL: Now all you have to do is permute your edges, most likely your fastest PLLs (except Z...). Easy to recognize, fast to perform.

So my thoughts? COLL is brilliant. The cases are fast (usually), easy to recognize, and they get you almost instantaneous recognition of your PLL, with a 1/12 chance of a skip to boot. A few cases I'm not happy with, but it doesn't matter too much. COLL + EPLL is about 15% faster for me than OLL + PLL. However...

VHF2L is rather iffy. I just do partial edge control instead of bothering with these algorithms. ZBF2L is rather iffy as well, especially if you use intuitive F2L over algorithmic. Regular F2L is about 50% faster than VHF2L for me.

So that means that the CFOP system is about equal to the VH-CFOP system (remember that the last F2L slot is REALLY fast with Fridrich, so 50% faster is about the same as a 15% slower last layer), though full ZB is a different story...

08 September 2009


I'm living in Europe now and have absolutely no time to cube. I have some algorithm sheets but not a good enough internet connection to get anything done. For the next 6 months, expect very little from me. School across the Atlantic is much rougher than American schools...

24 July 2009

Some Humor

Originally Posted by AvGalen View Post
And ZB does require an "inhuman" amount of algs. In internet lingua "inhuman" is often translated into "over 9000".
From the speedsolving.com Forums.

20 July 2009


I really haven't done much cubing for a long time. Baseball season is finally over though, so I'll be getting back to work. I'm testing out a new R(a) perm and Y perm, but that's the only excitement in my cubing life.

27 June 2009


It's been a while, and I haven't cubed much. I've been working on COLL recognition, as well as refining my EPLL. I'm starting to think that learning VHF2L might be good, just so I only have to COLL-EPLL. I'm actually liking this method, but I haven't done any solve times to see if progress has been made.

I just made a new F Permutation in my sleep! I really just made it up! I've optimized it for finger tricks, and I'm left with:

U2 Rw U' Lw U2 Rw' U Rw' R2 U2 x R2 U' M'

Performed as:

U2 (Rw U' Lw) U2 (Rw' U Rw') (R2 U'2) (x R2 U') M'

This made me feel smart

17 June 2009


My V-Cube collection arrived today! No 3x3 speed for a while! HAHA I'm so happy!

13 June 2009


I got hit by a foul ball while catching today on the bicep of my right arm. Needless to say I will be out for a little.

To update on pain, my dad just got surgery for a hernia he's had since he was a boy.

10 June 2009


School's out!!! Yay!!! I got a solid 3.8 (some finals may boost or lower this), and made First Team All-League Designated Hitter!!! Quite a year. I'm going to celebrate by sanding down some of my pieces, and maybe doing an average of 100. I also ordered a V-Cube White collection on Saturday, so those should be coming in.

I've kind of been slacking on COLL work. Being still above 30 second averages, I'm still trying different methods, so my original 2 year goal is down the drain, 3 years highly unlikely. I think when I get down to sub-15 MAYBE, then I can take Z-B seriously. Even then I might just do other puzzles (the minx family comes to mind).

I've been doing a lot of OH solving, so I'm hoping my left hand movements will speed up.

Currently at 3/30 COLL learned (I knew the first 7 at first + another anti-sune + another T + another double sune) or 13/40 total.

05 June 2009


Focused on solves rather than method this week - got a little lazy. I had plenty of sub 30 single solves and a whole bunchload of 37.xx averages. My PLL time attacks reached 1:26.xx on my best average of 12.

I'll be busy this week. Typically I relax when school is over, but I have finals, a few projects, and baseball to keep me busy this year.

I'm working on my FMC skills and have gotten down to 51 moves. Not bad for the first week. I also may try to BLD, but I'm not so sure about that. I do know that I will have a 4x4x4, 5x5x5, 6x6x6, and 7x7x7 soon. When they come, my COLL practice may grind to a halt. Speaking of COLL, I feel confident in my recognition abilities, but I never remember the algs correctly.

Till next time...

29 May 2009

COLL Progress

I'm happy to report that I am satisfied with my ability to recognize a COLL case. Memorizing the algorithms...different story. I can remember the algorithm most of the time, just not the case it applies to (usually a quick glance at my cheat sheet fixes that).

I'll try to cube a lot this weekend. Hoping to break 35 on an average of 12!

27 May 2009


My PLL optimization has been completed, and I have moved onto time attacks. While most are content to simply perform all 21 algorithms, I made my cube solve itself in the completion of the time attack. To do this I had to break up the process into self-solving groups, which would be stepping stones along the way. Only on the last group is there any cube rotation needed for the self-solve (it's a y rotation), so almost no speed is lost. For the most part the algorithms fit together extremely well.

My order for the PLLs on my time attacks (broken into self-solving groups) as well as the algorithms I currently use (perform the alg to find what rotation it solves):

G(d) - R U R' U' D R'2 U' R U' R' U R' U R2 U D'
N(a) - R U' R' U Lw U F U' R' F' R U' R U Lw' U R'
A (b) - x' R2 D2 R U R' D2 R U' R (x)
F - U R U' R' U R2 y R U R' U' F' x' R' U R U2 (x y')
G (a) - R'2 U R' U R' U' R U' R'2 U' D R' U R U D'

A (a) - x' R' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2 (x)
J (a) - R' U2 R U R' z R'2 U R' D R U' (z')
V - R' U R' U' y x2 R' U R' U' x R2 U' R' U R U (x y')

H - M'2 U' M'2 U'2 M'2 U' M'2
U (a) - M'2 U M U2 M' U M'2
Z - M'2 U' M'2 U' M' U'2 M'2 U'2 M' U'2
U (b) - M'2 U' M U2 M' U' M'2

N (b) - R' U R U' R' F' U' F R U R' F R' F' R U' R
Y - F R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R F'
R (a) - U R U'2 R' U2 R B' R' U' R U R B R2
T - R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F'

R (b) - U' R' U2 R U'2 R' F R U R' U' R' F' R2
J (b) - R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U'
G (c) - R'2 U' R U' R U R' U R2 U D' R U' R' U' D
E - x' R U' R' D R U R' D' R U R' D R U' R' D' (x) (y to solve in time attack)
G (b) - R' U' R U D' R'2 U R' U R U' R U' R'2 U' D

Recently I switched R, N, and Z perms, so I'm not perfect now, but here are my fastest PLLs, in order (refer above for algorithms):
U (b) - sub-1.2
H - around 1.2
U (a) - around 1.3
J (b) - around 2.2
T - around 2.25
Z - sub-2.4
A (a) - sub 3
A (b) - sub 3
J (a) - around 3.5
R (b) - sub 3.8
Y - sub-4
R (a) - around 4
F - sub-4.2
G (b) - sub-4.5
G (d) - sub-4.5
G (a) - sub-4.7
N (b) - around 4.7
N (a) - around 4.7
E - sub-5
V - around 5
G (c) - sub-5.5

When executed with no lag, this would be around 1:14, only 5 seconds off my current best average. Keep in mind the N's are newer than the rest, and I'm not 100% confident in them yet


I've gotten my first sub-1:20 average of 12 PLL Time Attack. I have a way of making the cube solve itself as I finish. I'm that good. Also, I got my first non-beginner method sub-30 second solve, as well as some solid averages. My COLL recognition is steadily improving, though it is not ready for real solves.

I've been working with a metronome recently for my cross/F2L, and it's been working wonders. That stuff is hard to do when you get it to 100 bpm. I managed a 100 cross and my F2L at 72. After that, it falls apart.

My PLLs have become more refined and automatic. I have a roughly 2 second recognition at most, and a sub-4 second average PLL, so I get that done in 6 seconds, and that number is steadily dropping, so I'll try to start incorporating some COLLs into my solves. I love how I can sub-1.3 on every edge perm save Z, which I sub-2.4 (need to work on that).


23 May 2009

It's Been a While

Well, baseball season is finally over. We lost our playoff game, so I'm done with that until summer ball (about a week away). I'm going to be able to concentrate on my COLL learning a lot more now, with no sport or AP tests to speak of. I need this school year to be over as quickly as possible, because I am VERY tired.

Recently (don't remember exactly when) I had 4 consecutive averages of 12 in the 40.2x range. That was very disappointing. I'll try to post more often now, but no guarantees.

03 May 2009


This is AP Test season, and in the next 2 weeks I have 3 AP Tests. I won't have much time to practice my cubing, but I've been trying to work it in whenever possible.

I'm working not on solve times now but algorithm times, as I feel being sub-4 seconds on every PLL will help me a lot.

Bottom line: I won't have time to cube.

21 April 2009


I've been having technical difficulties. In fact, I'm writing this from a library computer. Needless to say, the PLL guide is not out yet. However, it is nearly complete and should be operational when my computer gets working again.

Sorry for those who were expecting something this weekend.

13 April 2009

PLL Guide Nearing Completion

Alright, my paper is done and I'm set for school for a little. Expect my 1st version of the great PLL guide to be available this weekend. I'm working on a printable page, and I want to get out as much info as possible. After this, I'll probably make a COLL guide, just as soon as I finish learning them.

Baseball is taking its toll. No longer are long nights such an appealing option, as my body is far too tired to take the load. Hopefully I won't have a game tomorrow so I can work on my guide.

03 April 2009


Sorry for not posting in a while, but really nothing new has happened. My homework load has been outstanding, and my baseball schedule has hit its peak (where it will remain for another 2 months). So, in short, I have had no time to practice my cubing. I try to do it on the bus, but I always get people asking questions about it. I'm hovering at just under 50 seconds for my recent averages. This is using vanilla Fridrich, with a 2-look OLL.

I'm hoping to finish my PLL guide soon. It covers your 2-look as well as straight PLL, and gives you a choice of algorithms. I'll try to finish in the next month (I have an 8 page paper due in a week so I'll be a little crunched at first).

As for COLLs, I fail at them. I get my top edges oriented, then I find the case reasonably quickly, and look up the alg. Yeah, bad. I remember very few cases, and often not accurately. I basically know my standard algs for the 2-look OLL and 2 T orientation COLLs consistently.

Well, sorry if this post hasn't helped, but I'm really busy and just can't find time to practice.

18 March 2009

Still Working

My COLL recognition is still terrible, so I make my top cross and then look up the algorithm. Once I find the case I can usually remember at least part of the algorithm. I've basically been doing algorithm learning the whole time, and my F2L has suffered a little. However, I dropped my average by 10 whole seconds from the last time I posted - 49.43! That is without any timing or real solves for about 2 weeks.

At this pace there is no way I will make my 2 year goal. However, I feel I will truly have a mastery of the ZB method by the time I am done.

Also, baseball season just started up today (it has been raining). I will now have very little time on my hands.

12 March 2009

Still Working...

You'll see these types of posts a lot.

I've decided that improving my F2L and OLL/PLL/COLL recognition should take priority over algorithm learning. I still want to improve my times, you see, not just learn a new method. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.

My times have gotten pretty bad. I slowed down by 15 seconds (!) from 2-and-a-half weeks ago (when I got pneumonia). My PB average of 12 is 46.90, yesterday my best average of 12 was 59.38! I figured it's because my recognition is bad and I forgot what colors mean what. My execution time was minimally slower, but it took me about 40 seconds on average to do my F2L (I have this nasty habit of checking the timer when my F2L is done) versus about 30 seconds before.

I'm still working...

07 March 2009

I'm Sorta Back

Ugh! Pneumonia sucks. I'm pretty much healthy now, but the school work has piled on. I tried a few solves yesterday but found I've forgotten about half of the PLLs (embarrassing, yeah) all of the COLLs. Not the best 2 weeks of my life, but I think I'll make it through. Another problem is that baseball has started up, so I'll get less and less practice time. I'll try to get my memory back by next week, but I'm feeling my goal of 2 years should become 3, or even not try to push myself at all and focus on remembering the algorithms perfectly instead of just learning them.

On a side note, I'm starting to learn html so I can make my own cubing website and have the best resource for the ZB method out there.

Oh, and don't use the algorithms on Zborowski's site. They suck nuts for speedsolving and are unclear at times, as they were made optimal. I guess I'll have to create my own algs for most of them.

27 February 2009


Wow this week has sucked. I've had a bad case of the cold + the cough. I have done no work on COLLs and think I may have forgotten some. THAT is what I call problematic. I might have to make up 2 weeks work for this one week. I'm thinking my original goal of 2 years in unrealistic.

I'm having problems staying awake right now. Ugh.

22 February 2009

Slowly Learning the COLLs

I figure a good way to start learning the ZBLL is to be familiar with recognizing the different cases. Thankfully, Dan Harris and Lars Vandenberg came up with a system to ease into the ZBLL: the COLL. The COLL orients and permutes the corners while ignoring the edge pieces, giving many fewer algs than the ZBLL (40 vs. 500) but making it harder to get faster times. So, once you ave a cross on top, you can simply perform a COLL case to get an EPLL (edge permutation). However, sometimes getting the top cross will also force you to orient the entire top layer, so you have to know the PLLs as well.

I don't like many of the algs I've come across, and because there is so little information on the COLLs, I'll have to create my own. Lars Vandenberg has a well formatted list, Jason Baum has good algs, and Dan Harris is in between. I'll update when I learn them all.

17 February 2009

What I'm Working On

Well, as things would have it, my teachers assigned (collectively) 3 projects to be due next week. As I want a freer weekend, I've sacrificed my cubing time to get work done, but I feel an update on my position in needed.

I am in the process of creating my own COLL and some of the PLLs on Cube Explorer (I'll use aCube when I want slice moves). So far I've come up with 4 cases I find faster. My next post will probably be my complete set of PLLs, hopefully in a PDF with images and commentary, but I doubt I will find time to do everything. After that I'll post COLLs so you can do your final layer even without knowing every single case.

I'm finding time on the bus to work on my recognition skills for the last layer (my F2L is pretty solid). Please don't expect this process to go quickly, because I will only publish algs when I am 100% confident in my ability to recognize them, and I'll probably update in bunches.

15 February 2009

Getting Started

I guess this is the beginning. I've decided to undertake maybe the hardest task in the teenage world: balance sports, school, and the most intense Rubik's cube solving system while still retaining 8 hours of sleep.

I've been cubing now for about 4 months, but only seriously for the past 3 weeks. I almost got serious over Christmas-excuse me winter-break, but that never happened. I just got in over my head trying to learn 3 methods at once (for the record: Roux, Fridrich, and Waterman). I got my Fridrich 4-look last layer down before a week had passed and even dropped my time to about 30 seconds. Then the school work piled back on and baseball workouts started, and I quickly found myself going from 3-4 hours of cubing a day to about 20 minutes, but I was still making progress.

Then I jammed my right index finger. I was playing basketball and, as they say, shit happened. As it was, it was a pretty bad jam and I struggled mightily with everyday tasks (being right handed) and couldn't cube. Now, after 2 weeks off, I see that that was a very bad thing. My brain is still extremely fast at remembering algorithms and my fingers have a 24.13 second solve in them, but my recognition, already the worst part of my solve, disintegreated. The combination of sub-20 brains, sub-25 fingers, and sub 60 eyes has led to recent solves of approximately 55 seconds, mostly because I keep my fingers ahead of my eyes.

So that's where I am as of today, February 15, 2009. I have decided to undertake in learning the Zborowski-Bruchem method, a system devised by Zbigeniew Zboroski and Ron van Bruchem requiring exactly 800 algorithms to execute. Currently, no one knows every algortihm, though several are pursuing the cause. I hope to not only learn the method but master it.

My plan: to create a blog to track my progress through all 800 algorithms (some of which are reflections, so it's more like 650) and create the one-stop-shop for all things Z-B: algorithm optimizations, helpful images, and a final product that gives the case, various fast algorithms, the image, and an applet to walk you through everything. How long will it take? My goal is to finish the entire process by January 1, 2011-almost 2 years from now. Keep in mind that is more than one case per day, so this will be no small challenge.

Now, I am doing this so you, the reader, can improve your Z-B solving time. I am following the examlple of Chris Hardwick and Jason Baum, both who created blog-like resources to moniter their progress. However, I will do one thing vastly different from those two - I will learn the ZBLL first instead of the ZBF2L. Why? I'll explain later.

So, please sit back, relax, and enjoy as I grind through 800 algorithms of Rubik's cube wonders. I will not post every day, nor every week. But I can promise my posts will be detailed and worth any wait. You cannot expect to learn this method in even a year, so please be patient.

See you in the future,