07 March 2009

I'm Sorta Back

Ugh! Pneumonia sucks. I'm pretty much healthy now, but the school work has piled on. I tried a few solves yesterday but found I've forgotten about half of the PLLs (embarrassing, yeah) all of the COLLs. Not the best 2 weeks of my life, but I think I'll make it through. Another problem is that baseball has started up, so I'll get less and less practice time. I'll try to get my memory back by next week, but I'm feeling my goal of 2 years should become 3, or even not try to push myself at all and focus on remembering the algorithms perfectly instead of just learning them.

On a side note, I'm starting to learn html so I can make my own cubing website and have the best resource for the ZB method out there.

Oh, and don't use the algorithms on Zborowski's site. They suck nuts for speedsolving and are unclear at times, as they were made optimal. I guess I'll have to create my own algs for most of them.

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