09 October 2009

Algorithm Sheets

These are the algorithms I currently use. Everything should now be forwarded to Google Docs. Enjoy!

Just a list of algorithms in a table. Nothing special.

Just a list of algorithms in a table. The 2-look (all edges) OLLs are listed on the second page.

COLL Algorithms (current version: 4.00)
First page is the list of algorithms in a table, the second page is on recognition strategies. Please comment if something doesn't make sense or if I labeled the case incorrectly.

Just a list of algorithms in a table, separate into the basic cases and the less-known-but-just-as-needed category.

My masterwork.

If anyone wants something else in the sheets (I probably will get around to organizing the OLLs by algorithm someday), just let me know.


??.??.2010 - Got everything updated. I'm pretty sure everything is new. I also got my ZBLL stuff up here.

14.11.2009 - Updated COLL sheet to fit how I recognize cases now. Easier L and Sune/Anti-Sune spotting now. Also found a new alg for the U case with parallel bars.

5.11.2009 - Fixed a OLL sheet issue. The image (dot case number 6) need a rotation.

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