03 April 2009


Sorry for not posting in a while, but really nothing new has happened. My homework load has been outstanding, and my baseball schedule has hit its peak (where it will remain for another 2 months). So, in short, I have had no time to practice my cubing. I try to do it on the bus, but I always get people asking questions about it. I'm hovering at just under 50 seconds for my recent averages. This is using vanilla Fridrich, with a 2-look OLL.

I'm hoping to finish my PLL guide soon. It covers your 2-look as well as straight PLL, and gives you a choice of algorithms. I'll try to finish in the next month (I have an 8 page paper due in a week so I'll be a little crunched at first).

As for COLLs, I fail at them. I get my top edges oriented, then I find the case reasonably quickly, and look up the alg. Yeah, bad. I remember very few cases, and often not accurately. I basically know my standard algs for the 2-look OLL and 2 T orientation COLLs consistently.

Well, sorry if this post hasn't helped, but I'm really busy and just can't find time to practice.

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