You'll see these types of posts a lot.
I've decided that improving my F2L and OLL/PLL/COLL recognition should take priority over algorithm learning. I still want to improve my times, you see, not just learn a new method. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.
My times have gotten pretty bad. I slowed down by 15 seconds (!) from 2-and-a-half weeks ago (when I got pneumonia). My PB average of 12 is 46.90, yesterday my best average of 12 was 59.38! I figured it's because my recognition is bad and I forgot what colors mean what. My execution time was minimally slower, but it took me about 40 seconds on average to do my F2L (I have this nasty habit of checking the timer when my F2L is done) versus about 30 seconds before.
I'm still working...