14 June 2010


I've changed the blog layout a bit. Hope you like it. I know it's much easier on my eyes.

Not much cubing has been happening for me. I've decided that the speedsolving.com weekly competitions are great and that I should take part in them as often as possible. The FMC stuff is easily the most fun and learning ZBLL would really help there. I have gotten 42 move solutions both weeks I've participated and haven't been that far behind the rest of the competition. The weeklies also let me practice my big cube solves. I haven't solved a 4x4x4 in ages and a 5x5x5 in longer but my times weren't that terrible, coming in at around 2:20 and 4:55, respectively. My 3x3x3 times haven't been great but I'll blame my ever-degrading CII for that (the plastic feels squishy now).