29 May 2009

COLL Progress

I'm happy to report that I am satisfied with my ability to recognize a COLL case. Memorizing the algorithms...different story. I can remember the algorithm most of the time, just not the case it applies to (usually a quick glance at my cheat sheet fixes that).

I'll try to cube a lot this weekend. Hoping to break 35 on an average of 12!

27 May 2009


My PLL optimization has been completed, and I have moved onto time attacks. While most are content to simply perform all 21 algorithms, I made my cube solve itself in the completion of the time attack. To do this I had to break up the process into self-solving groups, which would be stepping stones along the way. Only on the last group is there any cube rotation needed for the self-solve (it's a y rotation), so almost no speed is lost. For the most part the algorithms fit together extremely well.

My order for the PLLs on my time attacks (broken into self-solving groups) as well as the algorithms I currently use (perform the alg to find what rotation it solves):

G(d) - R U R' U' D R'2 U' R U' R' U R' U R2 U D'
N(a) - R U' R' U Lw U F U' R' F' R U' R U Lw' U R'
A (b) - x' R2 D2 R U R' D2 R U' R (x)
F - U R U' R' U R2 y R U R' U' F' x' R' U R U2 (x y')
G (a) - R'2 U R' U R' U' R U' R'2 U' D R' U R U D'

A (a) - x' R' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2 (x)
J (a) - R' U2 R U R' z R'2 U R' D R U' (z')
V - R' U R' U' y x2 R' U R' U' x R2 U' R' U R U (x y')

H - M'2 U' M'2 U'2 M'2 U' M'2
U (a) - M'2 U M U2 M' U M'2
Z - M'2 U' M'2 U' M' U'2 M'2 U'2 M' U'2
U (b) - M'2 U' M U2 M' U' M'2

N (b) - R' U R U' R' F' U' F R U R' F R' F' R U' R
Y - F R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R F'
R (a) - U R U'2 R' U2 R B' R' U' R U R B R2
T - R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F'

R (b) - U' R' U2 R U'2 R' F R U R' U' R' F' R2
J (b) - R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U'
G (c) - R'2 U' R U' R U R' U R2 U D' R U' R' U' D
E - x' R U' R' D R U R' D' R U R' D R U' R' D' (x) (y to solve in time attack)
G (b) - R' U' R U D' R'2 U R' U R U' R U' R'2 U' D

Recently I switched R, N, and Z perms, so I'm not perfect now, but here are my fastest PLLs, in order (refer above for algorithms):
U (b) - sub-1.2
H - around 1.2
U (a) - around 1.3
J (b) - around 2.2
T - around 2.25
Z - sub-2.4
A (a) - sub 3
A (b) - sub 3
J (a) - around 3.5
R (b) - sub 3.8
Y - sub-4
R (a) - around 4
F - sub-4.2
G (b) - sub-4.5
G (d) - sub-4.5
G (a) - sub-4.7
N (b) - around 4.7
N (a) - around 4.7
E - sub-5
V - around 5
G (c) - sub-5.5

When executed with no lag, this would be around 1:14, only 5 seconds off my current best average. Keep in mind the N's are newer than the rest, and I'm not 100% confident in them yet


I've gotten my first sub-1:20 average of 12 PLL Time Attack. I have a way of making the cube solve itself as I finish. I'm that good. Also, I got my first non-beginner method sub-30 second solve, as well as some solid averages. My COLL recognition is steadily improving, though it is not ready for real solves.

I've been working with a metronome recently for my cross/F2L, and it's been working wonders. That stuff is hard to do when you get it to 100 bpm. I managed a 100 cross and my F2L at 72. After that, it falls apart.

My PLLs have become more refined and automatic. I have a roughly 2 second recognition at most, and a sub-4 second average PLL, so I get that done in 6 seconds, and that number is steadily dropping, so I'll try to start incorporating some COLLs into my solves. I love how I can sub-1.3 on every edge perm save Z, which I sub-2.4 (need to work on that).
