29 January 2010


It has been an eventful week. Finals sucked, though with missing 5 months I guess that is to be expected. Every multiple choice test went fine. The essays and free response questions just blew me away. May have failed my first test ever (could be 4 failures!).

I did an average of 12-50-100 Sunday. 24.98 of 12, 24.99 of 50, and 25.08 of 100. I just really hit a stride. My best rolling average was 22.35. What was most surprising was the fact that I got 2 PLL skips from my COLLs yet 13 OLL skips, which are far less convenient (mostly the shock of a skipped step). I had only 4 solves under 20 seconds, though they were all 17.xx.

Jig-a-Loo helped a lot. I tried out a before and after for my cube and the difference was incredible. Still, I have switched to the Cube4You brand DIY for my main speed cube. I love the core, mostly. Being able to set the tension was also a plus, as some of the faces on my storebought were clearly faster than others.

I also picked up some Dianshengs (lightest and fastest cube ever but locks like crazy), a ton of type F's (hate the feel, love the cube), and a CII (godly cube but same feel as type F). I also tiled my C4Y cube and love it. I'm still working on getting the alg sheets up. I may have to add a back slot part for VHF2L...