13 February 2011


I'm just going along trying to finish 2GLLs. Not much to report. I've found some nice algs that I didn't notice before and I changed my Anti-Sune recognition system to recognize off the oriented corner. It makes mirroring from Sune sooooooooo much easier, which is basically the purpose of everything.

I lost my CII cubies + FII frame hybrid the other day. I don't even know where I lost it. But it's gone, and none of my cubes have anywhere near the same feeling. I'll be buying some more cubes soon. I also want to get gray stickers for a new color scheme. Before my funky color scheme used color opponent theory to try and optimize recognition on opposite sides (White-Black, Green-Red, Blue-Yellow). Now I have a different idea: use opponent colors next to each other. That way opposite sides are more similar and thus orientation is easier to recognize. I want to put it on a black cube though so I would need gray (preferably darker) instead of black. Basically, similar colors would be opposite (White-Yellow, Green-Blue) while color opponents would be adjacent (Blue-Yellow, White-Black/Gray, Red-Green). Basically, I just have to replace the orange side of the cube with black or gray.

Also, I will be buying a 2x2x2 V-Cube and likely trying to get a replacement 7x7x7 core. My other one is broken...

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