My first average of 100 back I set a personal best at 19.46 (previously had two 19.90s). The next day I had a 19.36. Then I had an 18.85, the biggest drop in an average of 100 since I first started doing them. My standalone average of 12 went from 18.43 to 18.13 and then 17.95. Last year at this time I averaged in the high 26s, meaning my times have dropped 8 full seconds in 12 months, despite my lack of motivation at times. My one-handed solving has also improved quite a bit, dropping my from just under 40 seconds to just over 36 seconds. My blindfolded times have also dropped significantly, going from around 7 minutes to a consistent 3:20-4:40 range, even enough for me to try averages of 12 (they take too much work, though, so I stop at 3 or 4 usually).
It's really fascinating how much I've improved even after forgetting sooooo many ZBLLs. I think I've decided that I will work solely on the 2GLL cases so I can get my confidence up, as working with the really stupid H cases didn't work out that well in the end. I won't be releasing a new version for the new year, but I will continue to learn cases as quickly as I can. If I can learn all the 2GLL cases, I have a very solid shot at getting a ZBLL case I can use. There is a 1/27 chance for a PLL and a 1/6 chance at having all the corners permuted correctly in an LL case, giving me a 16/81 chance (or 19.75% chance) of a planned 1LLL and a 1515/5882 (or 25.76%) chance of a 1LLL (factoring in COLL chances). That means that in an average of 5 I could expect at least 1 1LLL, which would be amazing. I still remember most of the H set I learned before, now I think I'll move to U (because I already know 4 of them) and then T.
Happy holidays, everyone!